Compensation Tools & Analytics

Evaluate and compare your compensation program against the market

Are your pay practices competitive with your peers?

Korn Ferry Pay’s interactive salary reporting allows you to drill down into your data and evaluate your compensation program against the market and best practices.

Every year, over 26,000 organizations around the world trust us with their compensation analysis, which includes access to the ever-increasing depth and breadth of our data. Our intuitive tools make pay data analysis simple and fast, enabling you to be more granular than ever before and gain comprehensive insights into your pay and reward programs.

Through Korn Ferry Pay, your team can quickly generate reports and insights that lead to impactful business decisions around pay. This includes benchmarking your program against the market and direct competitors as well as evaluating internal equity across job functions.


Analyze your entire compensation program in one platform

With our Korn Ferry Pay analytics suite you can analyze your entire compensation program online, quickly and whenever you want, 24/7.

Through our analytics you’ll get unrestricted access to reliable, accurate information based on 25 million employees from 150+ countries and 26,000 organizations. In addition, any analysis you complete will be based on cutting-edge data that is refreshed multiple times per year.

By subscribing to our compensation data service, you get complete access to our analysis tools which includes an easy to use data submission tool, as well as the level of support that is right for you.

How we help you

To conduct your own analysis, simply upload your data securely via the online data submission tool within the Korn Ferry Pay platform.

Uploading your data is simple. And the entire analysis process is easy, intuitive and comprehensive. It offers a wide range of “what ifs” and data modeling scenarios which allow you to evaluate your program and compare it to the market. When it comes to local support, we have in-country or regional compensation expertise for wherever we collect and publish data.

Analyze your internal and external pay practices

  • Use dynamic graphs and tables to quickly identify significant findings in your data 
  • Download reports at the click of a button to share with stakeholders
  • Upload your organization data as often as you want, so your analysis outputs are reflective of how your organization stands today — not six months ago
  • Access salary movements, forecasts, and key economic data to help you interpret market context and identify trends over time
  • Perform 'What if?' analyses on how changes to your pay practices will affect your competitiveness.

View our interactive reports that cover the following key reward themes

  • Organizational structure and shape
  • Pay internal equity, including gender pay equity analysis 
  • Pay for performance 
  • External competitiveness 
  • Incentive policies and practices 
  • Compensation and benefits planning

Let us be part of your success story

Contact us and see how our consulting services can help you achieve your business goals.