Korn Ferry Assess

One talent assessment, unlimited potential

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One assessment that efficiently informs your most important talent management decisions

This is Korn Ferry Assess, helping you predict whether your organization’s workforce is capable of delivering on its future strategy. Talent assessments illustrate an individual’s current capability and future potential. It measures the skill sets and mindsets of your entire workforce, from CEO to junior recruits, using just one assessment questionnaire.

Our assessments use Success Profiles to help you determine “what good looks like” in terms of the skills, behaviors and mindsets individuals need to have for any given role. This in turn helps you understand your Potential Gap–which, in talent terms, is the difference between the talent you have, and the talent you need to deliver your future strategy.

By understanding this gap, you’ll be able to create the optimal blueprint for developing talent at the individual, leadership and organizational level. You’ll also discover how to best upskill, reskill and recruit talent at scale to build a workforce for tomorrow and today.

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Transcript for Korn Ferry Assess video

[Narrator] Meet Victoria, a market risk analyst. She’s always rated as a top performer—ambitious and a perfect fit for your company culture.

But here’s the catch: senior leadership doesn’t see her. Her growth potential and needs are off the radar. Feeling unseen, she’s thinking about leaving. But this can change with the right assessment strategy tailored to her development.

Imagine if you could spot Victoria’s potential and understand her development needs. Then, guide her with an AI coach and personalized feedback and development that align to her assessment results. With these insights, Victoria embarks on a leadership path, staying with the company and adding significant value.

Victoria’s story isn’t unique. There are many employees like her in your company, waiting to be discovered and developed. Without the right tools, you won’t know who they are and they won’t know what steps to take.

With Korn Ferry Assess, you can empower your workforce to drive their own development. Spot high potential employees and fast track their growth. Create targeted development programs for high potential talent in your organization. Tap into a wealth of data to understand your organization’s strengths and vulnerabilities.

Transform potential into performance with Korn Ferry Assess.

What we do

With Assess, you get a deep understanding of your organization’s total talent composition, so you can create the appropriate organizational strategy and design to reach your goals.

  • Redeploy

    Get an in-depth understanding of the characteristics of your workforce, so you can align people to new roles to fit your organizational strategy

  • Reskill

    Learn which individuals respond best to change, so you can quickly mobilize support for change initiatives and sustain your results

  • Upskill

    Design personalized development programs for your workforce based on their propensity and learning preferences—ensuring you offer the right training opportunities to help every employee reach their potential

  • Succession plan

    Recognize future leaders early, so you can fast-track their development and assemble a high-quality leadership team to drive ongoing transformation

  • Recruit

    Identify the best candidates for a role based on fit, potential and job readiness

How we help you

Assess helps your organization shape its future potential at an individual, leadership, and organization level.

Assess for selection and mobility

  • Confirm the best skills, behaviors and mindsets needed for each role
  • Measure internal and external candidates against that criteria to determine optimal fit
  • Confidently select and mobilize the right talent to ensure business success

Assess for readiness and leadership potential

  • Determine key roles needed for your organization’s success
  • Understand who is ready to lead now
  • Identify who has the potential to lead in the future

Assess for targeted career development

  • Assess against specific role requirements to identify critical skill gaps 
  • Gain valuable insights to address development gaps and ensure success 
  • Use rich, comprehensive reporting to empower your workforce to control their own personal development


With Assess, you’ll get a deep understanding of your organization’s talent composition, so you can create the appropriate organizational strategy and design to reach your goals.

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