Leadership evolved
Leading through change is becoming increasingly difficult for today’s leaders, with minimal time for decision making, more stakeholders involved, and greater public scrutiny than ever before. To succeed in the future, leaders need to develop new skills and qualities to help their people, teams, and organizations navigate changing environments.
We asked C-suite executives, Board advisors, employees, and even generative AI that very question. What we heard was thought-provoking and intriguing, and it gave us an idea—to visualize that feedback as a character representing the leader of the future.
And so, Kai was imagined.
Is this what tomorrow's leaders will really look like? Who can say for certain? But it’s not Kai’s external appearance that matters. It’s the internal attributes they represent. Use this to challenge your thinking about the characteristics you and your future leaders will need in order to thrive.
I think bigger -
and learn fast
What we heard:
“The future leader would learn fast, motivate and inspire. They'd really understand their customers and employees, innovate to overcome challenges and ultimately drive business success.”
Board interviewee
Our insight:
Understanding the full business landscape is a gamechanger. 76% of leaders told us that having the mental capacity to effectively manage whatever comes - like technological change or climate crisis - will be critical in the future.
I can see wider,
deeper and beyond
What we heard:
“Leaders will need the ability to glimpse into the future, using their foresight to make quick, informed decisions.”
GenAI prediction
Our insight:
Foresight is a crucial skill - 63% of the CEOs we've assessed as successful Enterprise Leaders have a very clear, well-articulated strategic vision.
I am true to myself and
open with my emotions
What we heard:
“The future leader sees people as humans, not staff. Showing your honest emotions - especially when listening to your people - is crucial.”
C-suite interviewee
Our insight:
92% of leaders with strong emotional self-awareness have teams with high energy and high performance.
I can adapt to
any environment
What we heard:
“The future leader's adaptability would be superhuman. They've got to be ready and willing to change course instantly to build their vision.”
Board interviewee
Our insight:
Nearly 66% of leaders listed agility and openness to change as critical, while over a third stressed the need for organizational agility in a disrupted world.
I embrace the new and
take calculated risks
What we heard:
“What's key for future leaders is that they're more resilient, more agile and less risk-averse. They can't be afraid to make mistakes, that's what helps continual learning.”
CEO interviewee
Our insight:
Failure can be an asset in leadership, providing unique lessons and laying the groundwork for future success, so experimenting and (calculated) risk-taking is welcome. Accepting and growing from failure can also make a leader come across more human to stakeholders.
I have multiple arms,
so I'm better connected
What we heard:
“They'd need extra hands for sure - enabling them to juggle lots of things, to multi-task. Hands go to work, lift people up, direct, rally people around.”
C-suite interviewee
Our insight:
57% of leaders believe CEOs need to rely more on their team because leadership is a team sport. Kai's multiple arms enable collaboration, shared responsibility and mutual support.
I am dedicated,
and mindful
What we heard:
“The future leader will be committed to a bigger purpose - one that's ethical and serves all stakeholders, not just shareholders.”
Board interviewee
Our insight:
74% of leaders said having a genuine sense of mission and purpose was a vital trait - and it makes leaders more resilient too.

Kai's attributes can be used to inform and inspire so many elements crucial to an organization’s performance and growth, including succession planning, personal development approaches and leadership assessments. They’ll be vital in ensuring your future leaders can grow the business and keep your people motivated and performing their best.
And while Kai’s list of attributes asks a lot of future leaders, we believe it’s not only possible to lead organizations this way, but that it’s vital if you want to unleash the potential of your people and your organization.