Career Advice
Is Your Team Stressed Out? Here's How You Can Help
Is your team stressed out? Learn how you can help your people better navigate through stress and change.
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Workplace stress is a common issue that can affect many factors including morale and capacity. In fact, an eye-opening study found that 60% of workers believe mental health affects their productivity at work. Studies show that in a normal year, more than 200 million workdays are lost due to mental health conditions ($16.8 billion in employee productivity).
But working with your organization to prioritize training and support for employees around mental health and workplace stress can often feel like a big job for just one person or team. As a leader, you know how difficult it can be to make widespread structural changes in a company. Because the journey towards organization-wide efforts can be long, it’s a good idea to tackle smaller, more practical steps to take the pressure off in the short term.
As a team leader or manager, here are several relatively straightforward ways you can help keep your employees healthier and more productive during difficult times:
During the last few years, an unclear future plus personal concerns and unique workplace challenges have sent employee stress and anxiety to a whole new level. Even now, as most workplaces have established a new normal, stress remains prevalent. By using the lessons learned during the pandemic years, you can help alleviate your employees’ stress in the future.
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