The Chief Diversity Officer Role Continues to Gain Importance, According to Korn Ferry Survey of Professionals

Los Angeles, May 12, 2022 – The role of the Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) continues to gain prominence, according to a new Korn Ferry (NYSE: KFY) survey of professionals.

More than three-quarters of respondents (78%) say CDOs are more important now than they were in the wake of the social unrest of Summer 2020.

Nearly two-thirds (65%) of respondents say their organization has a CDO or equivalent role, and 56% say the position was established at their company after Summer 2020.

“A massive wave of social unrest in 2020 created a heightened awareness on the issue of racial equity,” said Alina Polonskaia, Global Leader of Korn Ferry’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion practice. “Chief Diversity Officers bring visibility to their organization’s commitment to DE&I as they lead efforts to activate change.”

Nearly two-thirds of respondents (64%) say their organization and its CDO have delivered on their promises for greater action on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts, with 32% strongly agreeing. However, less than half (43%) say diversity hiring has been noticeably impacted by having a CDO.

“Organizations can’t say they’ve solved their racial equity issues simply by hiring a Chief Diversity Officer,” said Polonskaia. “DE&I needs to be a strategic priority fully embedded into all aspects of talent and business practices to create and sustain true impact.”

Nearly two-thirds of respondents (65%) believe their organization’s leaders adequately support the role of the CDO and diversity efforts overall, and 70% feel their company is allocating the appropriate resources for diversity, equity and inclusion overall.

About the survey: The Korn Ferry survey of professionals took place in late April 2022

Does your organization have a Chief Diversity Officer or equivalent role? 

Yes                                                                              65%

No                                                                               35%


Was the Chief Diversity Officer (or equivalent) role established at your company before or after the social unrest of Summer 2020?

Before                                                                         44%

After                                                                            56%


Is the Chief Diversity Officer role now more or less important of a role than it was a year ago (2021)? 

More important                                                          76%

Less important                                                            24%


Is the Chief Diversity Officer role now more or less important of a role than in the immediate wake of the social unrest of Summer 2020?

More important                                                            78%

Less important                                                            22%


How strongly would you agree that your organization and its Chief Diversity Officer have delivered on their promises for greater action on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts?

Strongly agree                                                            32%

Somewhat agree                                                         32%

Somewhat disagree                                                    22%

Strongly disagree                                                        14%


Do you feel your firm is allocating the appropriate resources for diversity and inclusion overall? 

Yes                                                                              70%

No                                                                               30%


Do your organization’s leaders adequately support the role of Chief Diversity Officer and diversity efforts overall?

Yes                                                                              65%

No                                                                               35%


Do you know who holds the Chief Diversity Officer role in your organization?

Yes                                                                              68%

No                                                                               5%

We don’t have anyone in that role                         27%


Do you feel your organization’s diversity hiring has been noticeably impacted by having a Chief Diversity Officer?

Yes                                                                              43%

No                                                                               57%


About Korn Ferry

Korn Ferry is a global organizational consulting firm. We work with our clients to design optimal organization structures, roles, and responsibilities. We help them hire the right people and advise them on how to reward and motivate their workforce while developing professionals as they navigate and advance their careers.

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